Individual Sessions

If you will be seeing us by yourself —whether in person or via secure video sessions*—you will be able to focus on whatever is most impacting you. Many individual clients contact us for help with relationships when their partner is not yet ready to go to counseling with them. Often the individual

client and their helping professional can develop ways to involve the reluctant partner. Other individual clients contact us to deal with troubling life events they’re struggling to make sense of. Still, others struggle with thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that interfere with their lives.

Sometimes people just need a few sessions for help adjusting to an unexpected event or a sudden life change. Individuals trying to work through difficult circumstances typically attend a series of six or more sessions. A small number choose to check in with a therapist regularly for years in order to have a safe place to open up and to keep the focus on the next step toward their goals.

*How do video sessions work? >>